Privacy policy for 3FA Privacy policy for 3FA

1. Principles for processing of information

In Faglig Fælles A-kasse, we only obtain and process your personal data to achieve our target which is:

  • To safeguard our members financial assistance in the event of unemployment.
  • To administer other schemes which under the legislation fall under the unemployment funds, including that we must contribute to unemployed members getting a job.

It is important to us in Faglig Fælles A-kasse that you are confident that we process your information legally, objectively and transparently. We therefore always comply with the basic principles for processing of personal data, which i.a. means that:

  • We do not collect and process more information than needed
  • We do not keep more information than needed
  • We update your information on an ongoing basis so that it is correct
  • There is transparency in our processing of your personal data

Faglig Fælles A-kasse has been established according to the law, and we are therefore obliged to collect and process personal data based on a number of mandatory criteria which you can read more about below.

2. Data responsibility and contact information

Faglig Fælles A-kasse is the data controller of our processing of personal data. We are therefore responsible for ensuring that the processing adheres to the legislation in the area and for the enforcement of your rights. 

If you want to know more about our processing of your personal data, you are welcome to contact us at: 

Faglig Fælles A-kasse
The HR department
Kampmannsgade 4, 1604 Copenhagen V
Telephone: +45 70 300 300

You can otherwise also contact your local 3F branch. You can find the contact information here.

3. Which information about you do we process?

Faglig Fælles A-kasse is comprised by the legislation on registration and collection of personal data that applies to professional associations. This means that in connection with your membership we ask you to provide the following information: 

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • Civil registration number
  • Your present job situation, including if you are permanently employed, have a reduced-hours job, are self-employed, unemployed etc.
  • Other general data that is required for us to process your application.

If you do not want to provide this information, we cannot deliver the said service or offer you a membership of the unemployment fund. 

In connection with our case processing, including the processing of applications for payment of unemployment benefit, we also collect the following information:

  • Information about tax and income matters, including supplementary income during the period of unemployment benefits
  • Confirmation of the reason for dismissal from your employer.
4. Legal basis for processing

As a starting point, we process your ordinary information based on an agreement with you when you choose to join Faglig Fælles A-kasse and based on our legal obligations as an unemployment fund. 

The processing of any sensitive/special categories of data which we process about you is made on the basis of the Danish Act on Unemployment Insurance, the rules in EU's data protection regulation on the processing based on social and employment law obligations, and the supplementary Danish data protection legislation. 

We obtain and process your civil registration number under the Danish Tax Control Act.

5. For how long do we retain your information?

We retain your information as long as you are a member of Faglig Fælles A-kasse, including for as long as we have an objective basis.

When you are no longer a member, we retain your information for as long as there is an objective purpose.

It may be required that we keep certain information for a longer time. This is i.a. the case where we are ordered to keep the information for a period set out in the legislation. For instance, we keep accounting records, e.g. on payment and invoicing of membership fees, for five years plus this financial year, according to the principles in the Danish Bookkeeping Act.

In these special cases, we will inform you of the mandatory storage period when we obtain or receive the information.

6. Third parties: Collection and disclosure

Under the legislation, we are obliged to obtain and disclose information about you without your consent from both private and public authorities.

In connection with the case processing of your application for unemployment benefits we collect information from your employer to confirm your employment or to clarify the reason for your dismissal.

We both obtain and disclose information from municipalities and other unemployment funds of whether you receive or have received a benefit.

If we are under a legal obligation, we can also disclose information to the Danish Agency for Labour Market and Recruitment.

We are legally obliged to obtain information from Skat (the tax authorities), including payslips and information about your working hours. We are also obliged to integrate information from Skat's registers with the information that our unemployed members and our persons receiving early pension benefits give on their benefit cards, and in statements about work, pension and other income to check that nobody receives unemployment benefits/early retirement benefits without being entitled.

As these obligations to collect and disclose your information are expressly set out by statute, you will not receive information thereof neither when we disclose nor collect information. However, you always have the right to have insight into the information we hold about you. You can read more about it below.

We also use data processors, e.g. in connection with the operation of IT systems, who always operate on our behalf and according to instructions from us.

7. Profiling We use the data to optimise your user experience on our own platforms, including, and to target and personalize our communication to your, including contents in newsletters (based on your consent where this is required by law), and to target external advertising on social media, including Facebook. 8. Your rights

Under the data protection legislation you have a number of rights that we as data controllers must comply with. These rights are:

  • Right to access: You have a right to access the data we hold about you and to have handed out a copy of your data.
  • Right to object: With certain restrictions, you can object to processing of personal data – e.g. if your personal data is used for direct marketing and in relation to profiling.
  • Right to correction and deletion: You have the right to have incorrect information rectified and to have erased information about you that we hold. Upon a request for erasure or rectification, we will assess whether we can accommodate your request and confirm if we can rectify or erase your information. For example, we cannot erase information which we are obliged to keep under the legislation, or if we need the information to determine or file a legal claim.
  • Right to limitation: You have a right to limit the processing of your information during the period in which we assess your request for rectification or erasure.
  • Right to data portability: In certain circumstances, you have a right to data portability.
  • Right to withdraw consent: You have a right at any time to withdraw your consent to any processing to which consent has been given.
  • Right to information: When we collect information about you from you or from a third party, we are basically under an obligation to inform you of the processing. However, this does not apply to cases in which the collection is expressly authorised by the legislation.
9. Security With an internal IT security policy, Faglig Fælles A-kasse has implemented technical and organisational safety measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of your information. In that way you are certain that we take good care of your information. 10. Possibility of making a complaint

You are entitled to file a complaint to the Danish Data Protection Agency about our processing of your personal data.

The contact information of the Danish data Protection Agency is as follows:

Carl Jacobsens Vej 35
2500 Valby
Tlf. 33 19 32 00

Make a complaint to Datatilsynet

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